修理未來: 一起來修理電視遊戲的未來 修理電視遊戲的未來

2012年10月15日 星期一

PS4正式推出後仍支援PS3? 2013年PS4 vs PS3+PS Vita vs Xbox 360遊戲市場局面

早在PS3發佈之前, Sony 立下海口稱PS3的遊戲市場局面週期至少將維持10年。如今,6年時間已經過去了,和競爭對手Xbox 360面臨Xbox 720一樣,PS3也要面臨PS4了。不論是遊戲玩家還是開發人員都迫切的希望新一代平台早日出現,但是直到目前 Sony 和微軟Microsoft 都還沒有明確下一代主機的具體消息,只是偶爾安排某些高管們出面爆料,為玩家們爆爆料。


日前在GameSpot的一次採訪中, Sony 的市場營銷主管John Koller被追問PS3還能堅持多久時,明確的表達了 Sony 的態度,John Koller表示:「我們絕對會在未來的幾年繼續為PS3提供支持,並且我們將要繼續為PS3提供更長時間的支援,儘可能長的支援。正如我現在告訴你,PS3的開發支援非常的熱門。並在不久將會為PS3發佈更多的遊戲,就如同PS2那樣……即使在發售了多年之後,仍然有很多遊戲市場是為PS3同PS2開發的。」

不論PS4發佈時多麼引人關注, Sony 仍至少會為PS3保持三年的技術支持。下一代PS4主機必將在一年內即2013年面世

目前, Sony 主要靠第3版新款PS3和PS Vita來打天下,據此前官方消息,新款的PS3將比舊款的輕25%,體積縮小為原來的80%,而售價為269.99美元。至於玩家們最為關心的「PS4什麼時候會上市」,John Koller在這次訪談中並未提及。不過不久之前EA產品經理Frank Gibeau曾經表示:「下一代PS4主機必將在一年內即2013年面世,這將給目前低迷的遊戲市場局面注入活力,使之重新振作。」

此前有未經官方確認的傳言認為,PS4作為 Sony 下一款遊戲主機,仍將支持遊戲光盤,並且1080P 的3D視頻輸出,採用了AMD x64處理器和AMD Southern Islands顯示芯片,在BGM八月份的報導中稱, Sony 的PS4將支持4K分辨率的遊戲和視頻。

PS4新聞由repair-lcdtv.blogspot.com 修理未來為你提供.

2012年10月11日 星期四

2012年7月3日 星期二





美國Epic Games公司創辦人暨CEO-Tim Sweeney 及瑞典ngmoco總經理Ben Cousins蒞臨現場分享產業趨勢、
FFXIII-2 Final Fantasy 13-2 PS3 Screenshots SQUARE ENIX遊戲總監鳥山求分享 《從FF XIII進化到FFXIII-2的遊戲製作守法與亞洲地區語言的本地化》、 FFXIII-2 Final Fantasy 13-2 PS3 Screenshots


2012年6月30日 星期六







提示: sudoku其實是數獨智力遊戲 跟數獨sudoku沒關係 與智力遊戲並無關係
kabuto嗎? 提示: kabuto其實是幪面超人Masked Rider(又名假面騎士Kamen Rider) 跟幪面超人kabuto沒關係 與裝着變身金屬英雄並無關係


2012年6月29日 星期五



杜蘇芮DOKSURI香港天文台HKO熱帶氣旋Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal

特別天氣提示Special Weather Tips

香港天文台宣佈預計在今天(6月29日)下午11時20分或以前發出八號熱帶氣旋警告信號,本港風勢將會加強。 (29-06-2012 21:20)

杜蘇芮DOKSURI香港天文台HKO熱帶氣旋Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal

2012年6月28日 星期四

杜蘇芮DOKSURI香港天文台HKO熱帶氣旋Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal


日期及時間 06月26日20時 位置 北緯14.4度, 東經130.6度 級別 熱帶低氣壓 中心附近最高持續風速 每小時55公里
日期及時間 06月27日08時 位置 北緯15.2度, 東經127.7度 級別 熱帶風暴 中心附近最高持續風速 每小時75公里


2012年6月16日 星期六

PS3哈利波特Book of Spells




Ridge Racer Unbounded 2012: PS3|Xbox360

Ridge Racer Unbounded

Ridge Racer Unbounded is impeccable with vibrant visuals, realistic sound and electronic soundtrack, creating an intense atmosphere that fits perfectly with the arcade theme of the Ridge Racer franchise. Music greatly adds to the immersive quality of the game.

City editor and creator is a great addition to Ridge Racer Unbounded.

Although the pieces are mainly recycled pieces from the single-player campaign, innovative tracks can be built with them.

Create mode eases the hardship for a bit of customization.

You’ll get to build your own tracks here in your own customized city. Name your city first, place some blocks on the grid and browse through the different pieces of track that you have accumulated. There’s a tutorial to guide you through some extras when you unlock highway blocks or elevated sections for bigger tracks. Advanced Editor section enables you to add jumps or other smaller obstacles for some sweet tweaks.

Create Mode also ties in with the online multiplayer mode to take track challenges in other players' cities.

Ridge Racer Unbounded

Experience bar will hold a lot of items, cars and extra bits of track for you.

You can gain experience in several ways -
  • event placing,
  • event goal bonus,
  • frags,
  • collateral damage, and
  • target awards by smashing through certain target buildings.

Most unlockables come free and easy.

Just keep wrecking your way through anything and everything you can get your rubber on. The Unbounded bar doesn’t reduce your speed or affect your view point. The streets are designed relatively well and generally interesting too.

Large variety of colourful points of interest also help you mind map the tracks better.

Shindo Racing just has the nitro boost, with no short cuts, but just a clean race set-up.

The Artificial Intelligence will still test you but it’s a much fairer race for those who deal more in sportsmanship than huge amounts of destruction to the environment.

Time Attacks are set on levels with some interesting hurdles and designs.

You’ll need to pick up the blue floating tokens for extra time and plot right through to the end. With this type of assault course in front of you the Time Attacks don’t get heavily repetitive, in fact you’ll be much more inclined to complete them.

Ridge Racer Unbounded starts an entertaining change of direction for the franchise.

The spin-off offers a great challenge and race type selection, though the title could benefit from more arcade handling to stay in tune with the property. The sound engine for Ridge Racer Unbounded is hypnotic with top techno tracks that pulsate in each race.

The Ridge Racer franchise is known for a selection of great techno, and the latest continues to hold the claim.

Ridge Racer Unbounded

Ridge Racer Unbounded

Ridge Racer Unbounded 2012: PS3|Xbox360

Ridge Racer Unbounded

Ridge Racer Unbounded is impeccable with vibrant visuals, realistic sound and electronic soundtrack, creating an intense atmosphere that fits perfectly with the arcade theme of the Ridge Racer franchise. Music greatly adds to the immersive quality of the game.

City editor and creator is a great addition to Ridge Racer Unbounded.

Although the pieces are mainly recycled pieces from the single-player campaign, innovative tracks can be built with them.

Create mode eases the hardship for a bit of customization.

You’ll get to build your own tracks here in your own customized city. Name your city first, place some blocks on the grid and browse through the different pieces of track that you have accumulated. There’s a tutorial to guide you through some extras when you unlock highway blocks or elevated sections for bigger tracks. Advanced Editor section enables you to add jumps or other smaller obstacles for some sweet tweaks.

Create Mode also ties in with the online multiplayer mode to take track challenges in other players' cities.

Ridge Racer Unbounded

Experience bar will hold a lot of items, cars and extra bits of track for you.

You can gain experience in several ways -
  • event placing,
  • event goal bonus,
  • frags,
  • collateral damage, and
  • target awards by smashing through certain target buildings.

Most unlockables come free and easy.

Just keep wrecking your way through anything and everything you can get your rubber on. The Unbounded bar doesn’t reduce your speed or affect your view point. The streets are designed relatively well and generally interesting too.

Large variety of colourful points of interest also help you mind map the tracks better.

Shindo Racing just has the nitro boost, with no short cuts, but just a clean race set-up.

The Artificial Intelligence will still test you but it’s a much fairer race for those who deal more in sportsmanship than huge amounts of destruction to the environment.

Time Attacks are set on levels with some interesting hurdles and designs.

You’ll need to pick up the blue floating tokens for extra time and plot right through to the end. With this type of assault course in front of you the Time Attacks don’t get heavily repetitive, in fact you’ll be much more inclined to complete them.

Ridge Racer Unbounded starts an entertaining change of direction for the franchise.

The spin-off offers a great challenge and race type selection, though the title could benefit from more arcade handling to stay in tune with the property. The sound engine for Ridge Racer Unbounded is hypnotic with top techno tracks that pulsate in each race.

The Ridge Racer franchise is known for a selection of great techno, and the latest continues to hold the claim.

Ridge Racer Unbounded

Ridge Racer Unbounded

Ridge Racer Unbounded 2012: PS3|Xbox360

Ridge Racer Unbounded

Ridge Racer Unbounded starts an entertaining change of direction for the franchise. The spin-off offers a great challenge and race type selection, though the title could benefit from more arcade handling to stay in tune with the property. The sound engine for Ridge Racer Unbounded is hypnotic with top techno tracks that pulsate in each race. The Ridge Racer franchise is known for a selection of great techno, and the latest continues to hold the claim.

Shindo Racing just has the nitro boost, with no short cuts, but just a clean race set-up. The Artificial Intelligence will still test you but it’s a much fairer race for those who deal more in sportsmanship than huge amounts of destruction to the environment. Time Attacks are set on levels with some interesting hurdles and designs. You’ll need to pick up the blue floating tokens for extra time and plot right through to the end. With this type of assault course in front of you the Time Attacks don’t get heavily repetitive, in fact you’ll be much more inclined to complete them.

Experience bar will hold a lot of items, cars and extra bits of track for you. You can gain experience in several ways - event placing, event goal bonus, frags, collateral damage, and target awards by smashing through certain target buildings. Most unlockables come free and easy. Just keep wrecking your way through anything and everything you can get your rubber on. The Unbounded bar doesn’t reduce your speed or affect your view point. The streets are designed relatively well and generally interesting too. Large variety of colourful points of interest also help you mind map the tracks better.

Create mode eases the hardship for a bit of customization. You’ll get to build your own tracks here in your own customized city. Name your city first, place some blocks on the grid and browse through the different pieces of track that you have accumulated. There’s a tutorial to guide you through some extras when you unlock highway blocks or elevated sections for bigger tracks. Advanced Editor section enables you to add jumps or other smaller obstacles for some sweet tweaks. Create Mode also ties in with the online multiplayer mode to take track challenges in other players' cities.

Ridge Racer Unbounded is impeccable with vibrant visuals, realistic sound and electronic soundtrack, creating an intense atmosphere that fits perfectly with the arcade theme of the Ridge Racer franchise. Music greatly adds to the immersive quality of the game. City editor and creator is a great addition to Ridge Racer Unbounded. Although the pieces are mainly recycled pieces from the single-player campaign, innovative tracks can be built with them.

Ridge Racer Unbounded

2012年6月13日 星期三

火焰入侵微軟 新型高級病毒 全球網絡警告


火焰入侵微軟 新型高級病毒 全球網絡警告

近一段時間以來, 一種新型電腦病毒 "火焰" 入侵了伊朗, 黎巴嫩, 敘利亞等中東國家的大量電腦.

伊朗稱其全國范圍內的電腦都遭受感染, 大量數據遭到竊取, 甚至包括一些高級別官員電腦中的數據.

"火焰" 傳播迅速, 日前已經現身美國網絡空間, 攻破了微軟公司的安全系統.

微軟公司稱, ......

火焰入侵微軟 新型高級病毒 全球網絡警告

2012年4月15日 星期日

MySQL如何重設密碼 linux如何重設新密碼

MySQL如何重設root密碼 linux root帳號重設新密碼

  1. 1.先將資料庫服務停用:

    #/etc/init.d/mysql stop

  2. 2.在「背景」模式執行 mysqld_safe, 並跳過權限檢查

    #mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &

  3. 3.以 root帳號登入,此時已經不會詢問密碼

    mysql --user=root mysql

  4. 4.更換 root密碼,new-pass即是新密碼

    mysql> update user set Password=PASSWORD('new-pass') WHERE User='root';

  5. 5.寫入權限 flush privileges

    mysql> flush privileges;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

    mysql> exit


2012年4月12日 星期四

Google secrets: Table of Contents: Become a Google guru with these effective tips, tricks, and techniques

Google secrets: Become a Google guru with these effective tips, tricks, and techniques

Google secrets: Table of Contents

Read This First

Part I Customizing Your Google Experience

Chapter 1 Starting Strong: Google Account and Profile Secrets

Chapter 2 Customizing Your Google Experience with iGoogle

Chapter 3 Increasing Your Knowledge with Google Reader

Part II Google Search Secrets

Chapter 4 Using Your Words: Natural Language Searches

Chapter 5 Refining Your Search

Chapter 6 Staying Close with Local Search

Chapter 7 Learning More with Informational Searches

Chapter 8 Using Multimedia Search to Find Entertainment

Chapter 9 Customizing Search to Your Needs

Part III Google Gmail Secrets

Chapter 10 Harnessing the Power of a Gmail Account

Chapter 11 Managing Messages

Part IV Secrets for Sharing Content with Google Applications

Chapter 12 Getting Your Message Out with Blogger

Chapter 13 Managing Your Blog

Chapter 14 Getting More from YouTube

Chapter 15 Getting the Picture with Picasa and Picnik

Part V Google Social and Collaboration App Secrets

Chapter 16 Google Talk Secrets

Chapter 17 Staying Connected with Google Voice

Chapter 18 Catching the Buzz: Google Buzz

Chapter 19 Socializing with Orkut

Chapter 20 Expanding Knowledge on the Web with Knol

Chapter 21 Getting Involved in Google Groups

Part VI Google Productivity Apps Secrets

Google secrets: Table of Contents: Become a Google guru with these effective tips, tricks, and techniques

2012年3月13日 星期二

質量效應3 Mass Effect 3 Kinect 語音輸入對白

質量效應3 Mass Effect 3 Kinect 語音輸入對白

" Mass Effect 質量效應" 系列最引人入勝的地方是氣勢磅礡的史詩式劇情,
描述人類最後希望主角 Shepard 面對龐大外星民族入侵下,
仍奮勇抗戰, 故事可歌可泣,
而其強勁射擊系統再加上極強射擊表現都令 PS3 Xbox 360 Game 迷喝采.
剛推出的三部曲終結篇 " Mass Effect 3 " 更將敵眾我寡劣勢放大,
對答時選擇不同答案可能會帶來相異結局, 節奏緊湊,
令人一玩就不停得手, 外國權威遊戲網更打出 9.5 分高分成績!

初次接觸 " Mass Effect 質量效應" 可能會覺得遊戲對白太過長篇大論,

而此乃正是 " Mass Effect " 一大特色.
如果大家是玩 Xbox 360 版的說,
更支援 Kinect 的聲控選擇對白及所做的動作.

2012年2月13日 星期一

PS3機動戰士高達UC開場PV 15張獨家圖片|宣傳影片值得一看


連載雜誌: 高達 ACE

人物設定: 高橋久美子


  • 作者: 福井晴敏
  • 原作: 富野由悠季, 矢立肇, 福井晴敏


PS3 "機動戰士高達UC獨角獸" 2012年3月8號發售.


隨著遊戲的進行, 玩家可以收集到很多點數.






基礎控制, 衝刺控制, 燃料控制等.




防禦, 鎖定, 燃料和功率等.


PS3機動戰士高達UC開場PV 15張獨家圖片|宣傳影片值得一看


2012年2月12日 星期日


PS3版電視遊戲 "機動戰士高達UC獨角獸Unicorn" 將於2012年3月8日發售.

"機動戰士UC" 將同時發售PS3普通版和PS3限定特裝版兩個版本.


限定特裝版包含福井晴敏全新撰寫的 Unicorn獨角獸高達UC前傳小說

"機動戰士高達UC 戰後之戰爭"

及 總集影像收錄藍光影碟 Blu-Ray Disc.



2012年2月7日 星期二


索尼Sony在2006年11月推出了PlayStation 3 (PS3).

據部分電視遊戲媒體報導, 在今年的E3遊戲展上,

Sony將會推出後繼 PS3 的次世代電視遊戲主機.


不過, 索尼Sony在 Las Vegas 拉斯維加斯

PS3 遊戲主機的產品生命週期
(product life cycle)將為10年,

這意味著推出5年的 PlayStation 3 未來幾年內仍不會被取代

索尼PlayStation 3電視遊戲未來幾年PS3 product life cycle


2012年2月4日 星期六



索尼Sony SCEJ宣佈2011年
Sony旗下電視遊戲主機產品PS3, PS2, PlayStation,


及索尼手提遊戲機產品 PSP, PSP Go, PS Vita(PSV)

PSP Go手提遊戲機銷量


2012年2月3日 星期五


, , , ,


修理電視遊戲的未來 * Skyrim Map上古卷軸5無界天際

Skyrim Map 330地圖位置地點大全


  • 1. Northwatch keep
  • 2. Rimerock burrow
  • 3. Pinefrost tower
  • 4. Volskygge
  • 5. Steepfall burrow and lower steepfall burrow
  • 6. Lost echo cave
  • 7. Orphans tear
  • 8. Fort hraggstad
  • 9. Widow's watch ruins
  • 10. Pinemoon cave

  • 11. Clearpine pond
  • 12. Ravenscar hollow
  • 13. The steed stone
  • 14. Ironback hideout
  • 15. Wolfskull cave
  • 16. Statue to maridia and kilkreath ruins
  • 17. Dragon bridge
  • 18. Haffingar stormcloak camp
  • 19. Broken oar grotto
  • 20. Shadowgreen cavern

  • 21. Thalmor embassy
  • 22. Solitude sawmill
  • 23. Catla's farm
  • 24. East empire company warehouse
  • 25. Brinewater grotto
  • 26. Solitude lighthouse
  • 27. Dainty sload
  • 28. The katariah

Haafingar 首都城市 Solitude

2012年2月1日 星期三

獨家文章|Lightning青春不老?!最終幻想XIII及FF XIII-2的介紹於維基百科的比較|PS3*Xbox360


最終幻想XIII及FF XIII-2的介紹於維基百科的比較

登場人物 / 登場角色 / 主要角色


同一樣主角 Lightning 同樣的角色,

Lightning青春不老?!最終幻想XIII及FF XIII-2的介紹


, , , ,


修理電視遊戲的未來 * Skyrim Map上古卷軸5無界天際
修理電視遊戲的未來 * Skyrim Map上古卷軸5無界天際

Skyrim Map 330地圖位置地點大全


  • 1. Bilgulch mine
  • 2. Sunderstone gorge
  • 3. Glenmoril coven
  • 4. Falkreath imperial camp
  • 5. Moss mother cavern
  • 6. Hunter's rest
  • 7. Knifepoint ridge
  • 8. Twilight sepulcher
  • 9. Bannermist tower
  • 10. Evergreen grove

  • 11. Half-moon mill
  • 12. Bloated man's grotto
  • 13. North brittleshin pass
  • 14. South brittleshin pass
  • 15. Ilinalta's deep
  • 16. The lady stone
  • 17. Secunda's kiss
  • 18. Bleak falls barrow
  • 19. Anise's cabin
  • 20. Cracked tusk keep

  • 21. Halldir's cairn
  • 22. Dark brotherhood sanctuary
  • 23. Roadside ruins
  • 24. Falkreath watchtower
  • 25. North shriekwind bastion
  • 26. South shriekwind bastion
  • 27. Peaks' shade tower
  • 28. Pinewatch
  • 29. Angi's camp
  • 30. The guardian stones

  • 31. Embershard mine
  • 32. Helgen
  • 33. South skybound watch
  • 34. North skybound watch
  • 35. Orphan rock
  • 36. Falkreath stormcloak camp
  • 37. Haemar's shame
  • 38. Bonechill passage
  • 39. Ancient's ascent
  • 40. Bloodlet throne

  • 41. Greywater grotto
  • 42. Fort neugrad
  • 43. Southfringe sanctum

Falkreath 首都城市 Falkreath

2012年1月27日 星期五

PS3|Xbox*Skyrim上古卷軸5無界天際:330地圖位置地點大全之The Pale

, , , ,

PS3|Xbox*Skyrim上古卷軸5無界天際:330地圖位置地點大全之The Pale

修理電視遊戲的未來 * Skyrim Map上古卷軸5無界天際Skyrim:330地圖位置地點大全Pale

Skyrim Map 330地圖位置地點大全

The Pale

  • 1. High gate ruins
  • 2. Wreck of the brinehammer
  • 3. Pale imperial camp
  • 4. Windward ruins
  • 5. Dawn star sanctuary
  • 6. Nightcaller temple
  • 7. Red road pass
  • 8. Frostmere crypt
  • 9. Hall of the vigilant
  • 10. Fort dunstad

  • 11. Shrine of mehrunes dagon
  • 12. The lord stone
  • 13. Volunruud
  • 14. Stonehill bluff
  • 15. Tower of mzark
  • 16. Loreius farm
  • 17. Blizzard rest
  • 18. Weynon stones
  • 19. Duskglow crevice
  • 20. Silverdrift lair

  • 21. Shrouded grove
  • 22. Korvanjund
  • 23. Tumble arch pass
  • 24. Sheerpoint
  • 25. Nightgate inn
  • 26. Blackreach elevator (alftand)
  • 27. Forsaken cave
  • 28. Yorgrim overlook
  • 29. Bronze water cave
  • 30. Pale stormcloak camp

  • 31. Irkngthand
  • 32. Raldbthar
  • 33. Blackreach elevator (raldbthar)
  • 34. Anga's mill

The Pale 首都城市 Dawnstar

2012年1月23日 星期一


, , , ,


修理電視遊戲的未來 * Skyrim Map上古卷軸5無界天際Skyrim:330地圖位置地點大全Winterhold

Skyrim Map 330地圖位置地點大全


  • 1. Hela's folly
  • 2. Yngvild
  • 3. The tower stone
  • 4. Winterhold imperial camp
  • 5. Hob's fall cave
  • 6. Frostflow lighthouse
  • 7. Driftshade refuge
  • 8. Fore fellhammer
  • 9. Snowpoint beacon
  • 10. Pilgrim's trench

  • 11. Ysgramor's tomb
  • 12. Saarthal
  • 13. Alftand
  • 14. Wayward pass
  • 15. Ironbind barrow
  • 16. Mount anthor
  • 17. Sightless pit
  • 18. Shrine of azura
  • 19. Fort kastav
  • 20. Septimus signus's outpost

  • 21. Skytemple ruins
  • 22. Wreck of the pride of tel vos
  • 23. The serpent stone
  • 24. Bleakcoast cave
  • 25. Whistline mine
  • 26. Journeyman's nook
  • 27. Stillborn cave
  • 28. Snow veil sanctum
  • 29. Winterhold stormcloaks camp
  • 30. Yngol barrow

  • 31. Wreck of the winter war

Winterhold 首都城市 Winterhold

2012年1月21日 星期六


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修理電視遊戲的未來 * Skyrim Map上古卷軸5無界天際Skyrim:330地圖位置地點大全Hjaalmarch

Skyrim Map 330地圖位置地點大全


  • 1. Meeko's shack
  • 2. Chillwind depths
  • 3. Robbers gorge
  • 4. Dead men's respite
  • 5. Crabbers shanty
  • 6. Orotheim
  • 7. Talking stone camp
  • 8. Folgunthur
  • 9. The apprentice stone
  • 10. Fort snowhawk

  • 11. Brood cavern
  • 12. North and south cold rock pass
  • 13. Eldersblood peak
  • 14. Wreck of the icerunner
  • 15. Abandoned shack
  • 16. Ustengrav
  • 17. Hjaalmarch stormcloak camp
  • 18. Mzinchaleft
  • 19. Movarth's lair
  • 20. Hjaalmarch imperial camp

  • 21. Kjenstag ruins
  • 22. Stonehills
  • 23. Labyrinthian
  • 24. Lost valkygg
  • 25. Skyborn alter

Hjaalmarch 首都城市 Morthal

2012年1月15日 星期日

PS3|Xbox*Skyrim上古卷軸5無界天際:330地圖位置地點大全之The Reach

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修理電視遊戲的未來 * Skyrim Map上古卷軸5無界天際Skyrim:330地圖位置地點大全Reach修理電視遊戲的未來 * Skyrim Map上古卷軸5無界天際

Skyrim Map 330地圖位置地點大全

The Reach

  • 1. Mor khazgur
  • 2. Deepwood redoubt
  • 3. Hag's end
  • 4. Deep folk crossing
  • 5. Bruca's leap redoubt
  • 6. Bthardamz
  • 7. Druadach redoubt
  • 8. Dragontooth crater
  • 9. Harmugstahl
  • 10. Reach stormcloak camp

  • 11. Liar's retreat
  • 12. Cliffside retreat
  • 13. Dragon bridge overlook
  • 14. Ragnvald
  • 15. Reach imperial camp
  • 16. Shrine of peryite
  • 17. Karthwasten
  • 18. Broken tower redoubt
  • 19. Markarth stables
  • 20. Salvius farm

  • 21. Left hand mine
  • 22. Kolskeggr mine
  • 23. The lover stone
  • 24. Blind cliff cave
  • 25. Four skull lookout
  • 26. Red eagle redoubt
  • 27. Sundered towers
  • 28. Rebel's cairn
  • 29. Karthspire camp
  • 30. Karthspire

  • 31. Sky haven temple
  • 32. Soljund's sinkhole
  • 33. Bleakwind bluff
  • 34. Old hroldan
  • 35. Hag rock redoubt
  • 36. Dead crone rock
  • 37. Purewater run
  • 38. Dushnikh yal
  • 39. Reachwater rock
  • 40. Reachwind eyrie

  • 41. Reachcliff cave
  • 42. Valthume
  • 43. Gloomreach
  • 44. Lost valley redoubt
  • 45. Bard's leap summit
  • 46. Cradle stone tower
  • 47. Fort sungard

The Reach 首都城市 Markarth


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修理電視遊戲的未來 * Skyrim上古卷軸5無界天際Skyrim:330地圖位置地點大全Whiterun

Skyrim Map 330地圖位置地點大全


  • 1. Lund's hut
  • 2. Rorikstead
  • 3. Serpent's bluff redoubt
  • 4. Whiterun imperial camp
  • 5. Swindler's den
  • 6. Gjukar's monument
  • 7. Broken fang cave
  • 8. Sleeping tree camp
  • 9. Rannveig's fast
  • 10. Drelas' cottage

  • 11. Greenspring hollow
  • 12. Dustman's cairn
  • 13. Hamvir's rest
  • 14. Redorna's retreat
  • 15. Fort greymoor
  • 16. Silent moons camp
  • 17. Halted stream camp
  • 18. Bleakwind basin
  • 19. Western watchtower
  • 20. Whiterun stables

  • 21. Pelagia farm
  • 22. Honningbrew meadery
  • 23. Chillfurrow farm
  • 24. Battle-born farm
  • 25. Whitewatch tower
  • 26. White river watch
  • 27. Riverwood
  • 28. Shimmermist cave
  • 29. Fellglow keep
  • 30. Graywinter watch

  • 31. The ritual stone
  • 32. Whiterun stormcloak camp
  • 33. Valtheim towers
  • 34. Darkshade
  • 35. Guldun rock
  • 36. Hillgrund's tomb
  • 37. High hrothgar
  • 38. Throat of the world

Whiterun 首都城市 Whiterun

FFXIII 最終幻想13 Treasure Hunter獎杯明確列表取得方法

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FFXIII Treasure Hunter 獎杯明確列表取得方法


在Final Fantasy XIII最終幻想13遊戲中,
玩家若想得到Treasure Hunter獎杯,


但 FFXIII 玩家必須注意以下一點,